Shall just summorized it , 30th supposed to be at gossip,but because everything seems so screwed, therefore we headed to boatq instead. there's awesome. where theres no crowd, bar-man like perfect,sang like endless. very mcuh of our own thing. ;)

ended homed like 7Am. woke around 1PM. headed to Bugis with like 7PM. was still deciding to join which group, after much deciding, headed with crys, cindy, jason & daniel. to marina for fireworks actually, but train again to boatq instead. anyway crowd at boatq like never much yawns really. left for green& people at MOM area. there's so mcuh peacing. ;) hahaha.
Home around 6+ Slept & woke at 4pM. for the 2 days, so mcuh of these. so unhealthy wtf.
dar's grumbling , sorry baby. lessen ..
-- Happy schooling people.Ha..;)
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